Thursday, 7 July 2022


Role play method of teaching was adopted for B.Ed I year for the paper ‘Understanding the learner’ in the II semester on 04.07.2022 on the topic ‘Defense mechanisms’.  Role play gives students the opportunity to assume the role of a person to act out on a given situation. The class was divided into eight groups who have been given different topic such as Rationalization, identification, projection, regression, repression and suppression, sublimation, withdrawal and sympathism.

Each group has demonstrated a different types of defense mechanism where the roles were performed by a group of students in which each defense mechanism was demonstrated with an appropriate story. The entire role play lasted between five and ten minutes. The class made an effort to determine which defence mechanisms they were demonstrating once they had concluded the scene.

Students had the chance to participate in exercises that mirrored particular defence systems through role-playing.  Role plays that were content-focused, matched with learning objectives, and applicable to real-world scenarios were used to help students understand how to use role playing sessions.  Students were encouraged to think critically about the subject matter in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of it through role-playing exercises.

Concept map on Social mobility


Prepared by Dr.Arulselvi V